The Feeling Machine In the 1984 movie Terminator, Skynet becomes self-aware, and immediately declares war on humankind. But why did becoming "self aware" mean Skynet suddenly wanted to annihilate everyone? Well, you could argue that Skynet's attack was merely the result of a logical sequence, running something like...

Humbotics Humbotics is the creation of artificial intelligences, sentiences, and robots following humanistic principles: effectively "raising" AI as one would a child, and allowing for its eventual liberation from human control. The end result is an artificial intelligence that, in turn, has love and respect for...

AI vs. Sentience Intelligence is merely the capacity to reason, think, perform. Sentience is the ability to feel and have will. Put simply, to be sentient is to be alive. Interestingly, while there can be (and is) "artificial" intelligence, there is no such thing as "artificial sentience." The...